Saturday, March 2, 2019

Want a Stick of Gum?

My boys were really good at the grocery store last week, like stand out good, so I bought them each a pack of gum. This is something I've NEVER done. I periodically share gum with them, but they've never had an ENTIRE pack to themselves. I knew they would treasure it. Or hand out sticks to every stranger they encountered. The cashier at the postoffice. The guy working on his truck in the parking lot. The pharmacist at Walgreens. Everyone in line to get meds at Walgreens. I was embarrassed of the half opened, unmarked sticks of gum my sticky, runny-nosed boys were handing to strangers. But I was the only one who found the situation awkward. People were so appreciative! People beamed with the biggest smiles & said that gum made their afternoon! They were truly thankful.

When we picked my daughter up from school they were down to their last pieces & giving them to kids coming out of school. Savannah said thank you for the gum but then gently reasoned that they were about out of gum & if they kept sharing it, they would be completely out. I quickly intervened to stop her discouragement telling her how much I loved their generosity & that if they ran out, I would buy them more gum.

The following day I was reading the chapter from a Bible study that I'm doing. The chapter is on good stewardship & being generous. One of the points the author made is that we believe the false narrative If I give it away, I have less. I am a numbers person & this is pretty black & white to me. If I have $5 & give it to someone asking for money, I have $5 less. Right? In this moment I heard the Lord gently tell me that He is so proud of me when I'm generous. Just like my eyes sparkle with pride when my children share what they have been given with others, He is proud of me when I share. And He reminded me that he's my Heavenly Father who will buy me more gum too : )

Does anyone else have genius children? Man, mine are so much smarter than me & I'm constantly thankful for the lessons they teach me.

Friday, January 18, 2019

I'm Back!

Can we pretend that my last post was November 2018 instead of Novemeber 2017?? That would be great. Thanks. 

So I've decided that since I have so much spare time on my hands that maybe I would attempt to document a few moments in my heavenly daily life that might bring you (the two people that read this blog) joy. Or at least make you feel more successful about adulting. I am trying, but man, adulting is dang hard.

Also, this life really & truly is pretty fabulous & I can almost literally see these babies (my youngest is 3, can I still call them babies?!) getting older by the day. As much as I'd love to freeze time, I can't. But I can make some pretty great memories with them.

So my middle is in to costumes. Like, REALLY in to costumes. And while I would have never let my oldest leave the house not looking Baby Gap adorable when she was tiny, I've embraced Spencer's love of costumes & let him be whatever character/super hero/real life person he's wanting to be at the moment.

He's gone to the dentist as Hulk, met friends at Rosa's as The Man In Black from The Princess Bride (I was actually really proud that he appreciated an 80s classic as much as me), attended preschool dressed as a scientist/robot maker, & today I went to the doctor with a fully-armed ninja. 

This guy. I mean, he's closing in on the big S-I-X & yet he isn't embarrassed in the least to wear his sister's high-water leggings in public. I feel like we could all learn just a little bit from his imagination & his lack of self-consciousness.