Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ranger's Autograph Night

Last Thursday night we went to an autograph night for the Rangers. Our goal was to get Ian's autograph on the tickets we had from the night he hit 6 for 6 & for the cycle. We ended up in line for 3 hours (a blast with a baby!), but did get them signed. Savannah had her little baseball dress on-she looked like a player from 'League of Their Own' cute! All of the guys were so impressed with the tiny fan out there (& awesome mom : ) She fell asleep when we finally got to the front of the line & missed meeting the players. They all commented on her though & when we got to Chris Davis he said, "Man, I wish someone would hold me like that!" Bran got everyone's autograph on the ball below & wrote that it's for Savannah-she'll appreciate it more one day!

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